Judo Australia (JA) is committed to providing an effective, functional and well understood Athlete Pathway, from Participation levels through to High Performance.
JA has adopted the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) FTEM framework and developed a clearly articulated Judo specific Athlete Pathway to ensure an evidence-based approach to the development of our athletes.
The AIS developed the FTEM framework to directly support the key outcomes of sport participation being; Active Lifestyle, Sports Participation and Sporting Excellence. The FTEM model is a fully integrated, evidence-based framework representing the Foundation, Talent, Elite and Mastery of the 'whole of sport' pathway continuum. It categorises key features of each stage of an athlete's journey and provides a practical method to assist sport and athlete stakeholders to maximise and manage athlete development. For more information please click here to visit the AIS website.
This Athlete Pathway allows JA to:
Provide clear and visible pathway opportunities
Provide a practical method to assist our sporting stakeholders to construct a more functional athlete and sport development system
Develop evidence-based programs and strategies, including talent identification, confirmation, development and transition
Provide a platform to easily identify and support potential talent to achieve sustained High Performance success
The JA Athlete Pathway allows our Judo community to:
Easily understand each stage of athletic development within the participation and performance pathways
Better understand the critical importance of the acquisition and refinement of fundamental movement skills to lifelong sports participation and high performance athlete development
Facilitate our members reaching their optimal performance level; be it club, state, national or international competition
Acquire the skills to encourage lifelong engagement in Judo

If you have any questions about this JA Athlete Pathway please email hp@ausjudo.com.au