Our Adaptive Judo Team doing Australia proud at Venray, Netherlands in November 2024. (Report to come!)
Adaptive Judo Sporting Rules (April 2024)
Adaptive Judo Grading Policy
Adaptive Judo Referee Accreditation
Deaf Fact Sheet & Coaching Essentials
Adaptive Judo offers people with diverse and special needs the opportunity to participate - and compete - in Judo.
With the required training and encouragement, people with intellectual disabilities and other special needs can learn the art and culture of judo, taking their place as respected members of our Judo community.
Some Adaptive Players will choose to take it to the next level by competing at a Club level, or in national and international competition.
Judo develops cardiovascular fitness, anaerobic capacity, flexibility, strength, power and improved body composition with training. Adaptive Judo offers a fair and welcoming opportunity for Judo participants to develop and demonstrate their skills and talents through judo training and competition.
Adaptive Judo also increases the public's awareness of the full capabilities and needs of our Adaptive players, from first timers to our international champions alike.
Contact JA to explore options for Adaptive Judo in your local clubs - or for an introduction to Adaptive Judo specialists coaches and players doing Australia proud on the global stage.

because everyone has a place in Judo
How can I help?
Providing an inclusive sport participation opportunity is important for all Australians and through better resourcing of the Adaptive program, Judo Australia can expand our program to reach all Australians. Your help is needed - and appreciated.
All funds raised will help grow Adaptive Judo to provide opportunities for all those with special needs, allowing them to participate in sport and promote an active lifestyle.

Gold medallist kata practitioners Lillee Wakefield and Liam Hudson who topped the score card with a total of 270 points.
Judo Australia (JA) partners with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) to enable tax deductible contributions to be made for Adaptive Judo Athletes.
Through the ASF's Deductible Gift Recipient status, all donations over $2 made to this project are tax-deductible.
Donations will play an important role in the development of Adaptive Judo and further enhance the inclusive nature of the Judo Australia community. Your contribution can allow everyone to engage with judo and get active in a safe and fun environment.
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