As COVID-19 restrictions begin being lifted across the country in a staged way, Judo Australia (JA) is aware that all of our clubs and members are keen to get back to Judo activity as soon as possible.
JA provides the following guidance to help ensure this return to activity occurs in a safe and healthy way and in full accordance with direction provided by relevant Government authorities. Prior to a return to any level of activity, JA requests that all clubs read the following links in detail and develop a club specific plan based on these documents that is relevant to the State and Territory Government COVID-19 public health advice in each jurisdiction at that point in time.
The International Judo Federation (IJF) has developed this useful Judo specific resource to assist clubs to resume activity in a safe and hygienic way. Please see resource here.
The IJF resource clearly articulates the safe method for completing a training session, including getting to/from home, for all personnel (coaches, athletes and other support persons). This should be applied to your dojo/training venue as progression is made through the different levels of restrictions as applicable in your State or Territory.
Each State and Territory Government will be making announcements relating to the permitted resumption of sporting activity in terms of Levels A, B and C as outlined in the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COIVD-19 Environment.
For the safety of all concerned including your families and friends, it is vital that each club appoints one person responsible for overseeing these guidelines and that all participants at that club agree to any decisions determined by that person.
JA is aware that Sport Australia and other authorities are currently also working on additional return to activity resources and templates for use in the club environment, which will be provided to all Judo clubs nationally when available.
JA welcomes progress towards a return of Judo activity in our clubs right across Australia when permitted and will continue to ensure that our clubs and members are as best informed and equipped as possible to transition back to full activity. The health and safety of our members and minimising of the spread of COVID-19 remains our highest priority.
If you have any further questions around what level of activity is allowed within your State or Territory at any stage, please contact your Member State Judo organisation and seek clarification.